27 June 2020

Facebook Boycott: Unilever and Verizon Join Pledge to Pull Ads - The New York Times

Editing is what editors are for and they cost bottom line money. In FB waters, the two don't mix.

22 June 2020

Obituaries - The Washington Post

No way to follow any births in the Washington Post? Just deaths. What a commentary on the future!

21 June 2020

20 June 2020

Déconfinement : la presse, victime du coronavirus

I think this will just get worse for a long time to come and then we will have lost such pillars of our past. Where are the new pillars?

07 June 2020

James Bennet Resigns as New York Times Opinion Editor - The New York Times

I hope they can get it right.

Inside the Revolts Erupting in America’s Big Newsrooms - The New York Times

How unfortunate from every perspective.

Top Editor of Philadelphia Inquirer Resigns After ‘Buildings Matter’ Headline - The New York Times

I see only one African-American face in the photo. Philadelphia's African-American population is about 40%.

04 June 2020

New York Times Says Senator’s Op-Ed Did Not Meet Standards - The New York Times

Reinforces why we need newspapers who make rational and reasonable judgments about what to publish. It is what editing is all asbout. Long live editing!

New York Times staffers denounce newspaper for Tom Cotton editorial urging military incursion into U.S. cities - The Washington Post

This is wrong, but the commentary is wonderful.