31 March 2015

Is The News Losing Its Appeal? | Here & Now

Discouraging. If it's a killing around the corner, yes, but otherwise no.

New York Times Co. Appoints Kinsey Wilson to Expanded Digital Role - NYTimes.com

Good luck!

30 March 2015

25 March 2015

The Herald-Sun: Special Content

I was struck today by one of the unchanged realities of newspapers - the display ads in the printed newspaper - the Herald-Sun this morning - are useless to readers. Why is it that newspapers have not made the creative leap to help advertisers make better use of the space that they purchase? This is not rocket science. I just don't get it. What would I change? Let me return and note some ideas.

20 March 2015

Des médias s’unissent pour contrer Google, Médias

I think it is too late.

In the Age of Information, Specializing to Survive - NYTimes.com

We need to come to grips with this.

16 March 2015

Is The Internet Hurting More Than Helping? | Here & Now

Worth a lot more discussion. I agree that one of the biggest mistakes with respect to the internet has been the acceptance of "free" by so many. That should not have been allowed to happen.

Yahoo combats login fatigue with password on-demand tool- The Inquirer

I sure think "login fatigue" merits a solution!

07 March 2015

04 March 2015

03 March 2015

Mark Zuckerberg Goes on Charm Offensive for Internet.org - NYTimes.com

Good for them.

Selma Student Tickets | #SELMAFORSTUDENTS

Curious that they don't seem to be seeking more money to finance this noble effort.

Mary Pilon

For a reporter, she sure leaves you guessing about what she does now other than promoting her new book!