15 September 2007

AFP: Qaeda puts bounties on heads of Swedes in cartoon row

Young Players, Serious Injuries - The New York Times

Another on long list of why newspapers as institutions are still so important. Who is likely to do this kind of story other than an institution like the NYTimes? Local newspapers ought to understand again why this kind of reporting is so important and why the resources are worth allocating to make it happen. To make it successful, however, readers and POTENTIAL readers need to be told of what is being done. In the case of this story, links ought to be circulated to every high school in the US, including every high school newspaper.

14 September 2007

NYTimes "letter to the editor"

This is a superb demonstration of what is so critical about the expertise and ability of The New York Times. Would Billy Blogger have put this in the context that it deserves and got here? This is testament to the importance of combining superb reporting with a commitment to air competing views. Out of a multitude of voices, the truth does indeed emerge.

12 September 2007


It is quite astounding how little we hear from Iraqi newspapers (or other media) about what they are doing or saying. While there has been some recently in connection with the PETRAEUS/CROCKER testimonies, it's really very little and it speaks very little to what Iraqi media are telling their readers and other customers. Cannot we do a better job of following what they are doing?

08 September 2007

Troop Buildup, Yielding Slight Gains, Fails to Meet U.S. Goals - New York Times

It sure is hard to imagine Billy Blogger ever producing this kind of reporting. Period. It's a superb piece of the reason that newspapers are still so important to all of us.

02 September 2007

Turning the Tribes in Iraq | The New York Times

A fine demonstration of how one can combine the expertise (Michael GORDON and his photographer) of the New York Times - a newspaper - and the power of graphics and audio on the web to produce quality journalism in the internet medium.

01 September 2007

China's Influence Spreads Around World - New York Times

When reading a piece like this one, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that the Associated Press is a co-operative owned by most of the daily newspapers in the United States.

NPR : Katrina Marked Turning Point for 'Times-Picayune'

Gen Sir Mike Jackson attacks US over Iraq - Telegraph

While this story flows from a financial deal with the author/publisher, it is notable that it appears on a newspaper website instead of any other.